Get Involved - Volunteer

We offer a robust volunteer training program.

Cumbee Center volunteers are trained for a multitude of tasks and situations. 

Our volunteers must complete a 25 hours training program that is a hybrid of online (on your own) and in-person. The in-person section is held on a Saturday for 8 hours.  

This training covers topics such as our volunteer opportunities, understanding domestic violence and sexual assault, advocacy for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors, cultural competency, active listening and communication skills, and tips for self-care.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Victim Advocate

Victim Advocates carry our on-call phones and response bags. These phones are our 24/7 hospital advocacy phones. If there is a domestic violence or sexual assault victim who goes to the hospital to seek services, our Victim Advocates will answer the call and meet the victims at the hospital, no matter what time. They are advocates for victim care and are a calming and supportive presence in a time of crisis for victims.

Special Events and Fundraising

Special Events and Fundraising Advocates help with community awareness events. They play a vital role in supporting and representing Cumbee Center at community events. These volunteers are trained in how to set up and break down for a community event, the procedures for sharing Cumbee Center information, and act as the face of volunteering for Cumbee Center. 


Office Advocate

Office Advocates help with tasks in our Aiken location. They offer assistance with front desk coverage, welcoming our clients, helping answer phones, and questions that callers may have on our crisis hotline. They help with sorting donations and can offer child care coverage for clients who need it.


Safe House Advocate

Safe House Advocates work in our emergency shelter. There are many different things Safe House Advocates can help with. These include child care coverage for shelter clients and preparing meals for shelter clients. Safe House Advocates also can help with yard work and maintenance as well as providing shelter coverage for staff meetings.

Volunteer Now

We'd love to hear from you! Drop us an email or call our office during regular hours to discuss how to get started.

Great! Let's get started.